Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Happy 7 months old~

First I am going to say BRRRR! It has been so darn cold… reports of –30 degrees…. too dang cold! Our windows have been coated with ice… guess we need to work on that!


Ezra has been very sick. We took him to the doctor and he has Type-A influenza. He also had to get some shots to open up his lungs because his oxygen levels were pretty low. Today he is feeling much better so hopefully he will recover completely.

Today is Groundhog day and Edward is 7 MONTHS OLD! I am so sad he is growing up so fast. He is such a sweet little boy, with a huge smile and he loves to show off! Eddy is into everything…and I mean EVERYTHING. Recently he has been climbing into my storage ottoman.


Now, the last thing today… Eddy pulled himself up in the kitchen. He has been eyeing that dishwasher when we have it open. Tonight he had the perfect opportunity to check it out.


I am sad to see him grow up so quickly. I know that he will be walking way too soon. Then talking… then he just won’t be my baby any more. Sad. But I am excited that he is growing into a happy handsome little boy. I just love him so much. From his fat little toes to his sweet smelling hair… he is just a perfect little baby. I seriously have the best boys in the world.

1 comment:

  1. i can't believe your little guy is growing up so fast! my lil' mckay is *still* so content to just sit and play! he is just barely starting to figure out that he's got legs! lol
